Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Friday is Valentines’ Day. Flowers, chocolates, cards, memories, …
One of the stories about St. Valentine is that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. Sound at all familiar? Another legend tells of a priest who ministered to Christians, who were persecuted by the Roman Empire.

Saints tread where courage and love beckon. You and I have walked into places where love was needed. We brought the gift of courage when fear was shadowing the lives of friends. I have indeed, and I know you have.

Sunday in worship, Beth Wishart MacKenzie spoke about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in late March. As we consider our First Nations neighbours and the Love that sustains us, the artwork on this week’s worship bulletin is poignant hope. Would you agree with me that hope is a primary ingredient in courage?

I trust that the courage you need comes to you, the beauty around you brings you hope, and the Love that beckons to us inspires you to pray for all who also need courage. Tread fearlessly; Love is with you.

Blessings on you – blessings of courage and hope and love
The Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean

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