Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012

Denise Davis Taylor began a sabbatical Sunday. She will be away from St. Paul’s for three months. Her area of study is mentoring
leadership in young adults, in these changing times. Denise is the
Minister of Faith Formation here at St. Paul’s, working with youth, young adults and families. She is also the chaplain of Faith Lift, our University of Alberta presence. Her sabbatical project suits that
ministry well.

We bid her farewell in worship and blessed her on her way. We had two lilac bushes in pots, one for her and one for us. Each Sunday morning, we will water ours in the sanctuary and say a blessing for her. As the weeks unfold, so will the leaves and our prayers. Similarly, she will think of us as she looks after her lilac.

The lilac is purple, and Denise often wears vivid blues, pinks, and purple. The leaves are heart-shaped; she certainly has a big heart, and is well loved here. As the lilac bushes begin to bud, we anticipate the beautiful blossoms and lovely fragrance. Sabbatical holds the promise of refreshment for Denise.

When you catch sight of purple or pink lilac flowers this spring, and when you notice the scent wafting through a window, please say a little prayer for Denise. This time of rest, reflection and renewal is an opportunity churches offer ministers these days, and it bears
wonderful fruit for us all.


The Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean

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