Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 19, 2011

Sunday the congregation said farewell to Reverend Dirk Jessen and wished him well. Dirk had indicated early last fall that he would be moving beyond St. Paul’s this spring, and Sunday was our opportunity to acknowledge his ministry among us and to bless him on his way. He also spoke of the seven years with our congregation and blessed the church.

From the beginning people here have appreciated Dirk’s way of seeing the world, his intense interest in individuals and their personal stories, and his sharp wit. Early in his time here we were discussing the merits if bittersweet chocolate in worship, and he was quick: “Do you mean dirk chocolate?”

Here are two images from Sunday for you to treasure:
A poignant moment: In worship Jim Stewart stood at the front of the church, a place where Dirk has baptized, celebrated communion, and welcomed newcomers. In that spot Jim presented a candle he had made to Dirk. 

A tender moment: A picnic in Belgravia Park followed worship, complete with a barbeque, speeches, gifts and many, many desserts. The children made kites, something they have enjoyed with Dirk over the years. As we prepared to leave, five year old Jack stood still on a knoll, flying his kite.

Here is the Gaelic Blessing  the choir sang:
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of Christ, the light of the world to you

Your church blesses Dirk, and you, with deep peace.

The Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean

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