Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

Finally Easter is arriving!
Palm Sunday we heard familiar words, and considered how we speak or hear phrases that have the power to change lives: I know. Forgive me.  I understand. I love you. You can trust me. Goodbye. Welcome home. Hosanna. And of course, Jesus is the Word made flesh.

In this most sacred week of the Christian year, here are words to pray:

Thank you, God, because through your holy Easter mystery, 
it is as though we stumble out of a tomb,
as though we come out of the shadow, rubbing our eyes,
as though mystery unveils before us, and takes our breath away:
and we see, right before our very eyes:
All our loss and sorrow is turning back
     Turning back from the edge of death
            Death is not the last word
                 The last word is from the heart
                        From the heart comes pain
                             Pain carried by movement, like waves on the ocean
                                    Waves on the ocean rise and fall
                                        Rising and falling we trip again
                                                Trip again and fall on our face
                                                     Fall flat on your face
                                                            Face the truth
                                                                 Truth comes from the heart
                                                                        Heart of the Word
                                                                             The Word.
We pray for you, and the world.

The Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean

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